
公锥(Taper Taps )


  CLF 型强磁打捞器是石油、地质钻探工作中打捞井下小件落物的工具。它具有结构简单、操作方便、性能可靠、体积小、重量轻等特点,利用本身所带******磁铁将牙轮、巴掌、大钳牙以及工具等小件落物磁化吸起,从而有效地打捞小件落物,净化井底。

CLF type fishing magnet in petroleum and geology exploration is used for fishing of small fallen s in the downhole.With some of advantages such as simple structure,easy to operate, reliable performance,small size and weight,it is equipped with permanent magnet to attract small s such as teeth wheel, palm, tong teeth and tool so that small s in downhole are fished and the well bottom is cleaned up.